( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property DB_MySQLi::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/xthreads/xt_sthreadhooks.php on line 197
Call Stack
10.0001378712{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0002403640require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.01341007296pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.01371014504xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.01411156696xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property _objcont_2::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/plugins/xthreads.php on line 891
Call Stack
10.0001378712{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0002403640require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.01341007296pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.01371014504xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.01411156696xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292
60.01451166960control_db( $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xt_sthreadhooks.php:218
70.01451166960control_object( $obj = class DB_MySQLi { public $title = 'MySQLi'; public $short_title = 'MySQLi'; public $type = 'mysqli'; public $query_count = 10; public $querylist = []; public $error_reporting = 1; public $read_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 135087; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $write_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 135087; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $current_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 135087; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $connections = [0 => '[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 311 μs)']; public $database = 'pokecosmo4CD9Gcz'; public $explain = NULL; public $version = NULL; public $table_type = 'myisam'; public $table_prefix = 'o1sh_'; public $engine = 'mysqli'; public $can_search = TRUE; public $db_encoding = 'utf8mb4'; public $query_time = 0.0041365623474121; protected $last_query_type = 1; public $xthreads_firstpost_hack = FALSE }, $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xthreads.php:930
80.01461179296unserialize( $data = 'O:10:"_objcont_2":21:{s:5:"title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:11:"short_title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:4:"type";s:6:"mysqli";s:11:"query_count";i:10;s:9:"querylist";a:0:{}s:15:"error_reporting";i:1;s:9:"read_link";O:6:"mysqli":0:{}s:10:"write_link";R:8;s:12:"current_link";R:8;s:11:"connections";a:1:{i:0;s:44:"[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 311 μs)";}s:8:"database";s:16:"pokecosmo4CD9Gcz";s:7:"explain";N;s:7:"version";N;s:10:"table_type";s:6:"myisam";s:12:"table_prefix";s:5:"o1sh_";s:6:"engine";s:6:"mysqli";s:10:"can_search";b:1;s:11:"db_encoding";s:7:"utf8mb4";s:10:"query_time";d:0.004136562347412109;s:18:"\000*\000last_query_type";i:1;s:23:"xthreads_firstpost_hack";b:0;}' ).../xthreads.php:891
¡Niantic Anuncia Tour de Verano 2018 de Pokémon GO!

[Pokémon GO]  ¡Niantic Anuncia Tour de Verano 2018 de Pokémon GO!
La informacion sobre el evento Safari Zone en Yokosuka, Japon, sera publicada en fechas proximas. Niantic ha anunciado el Tour de Verano 2018 de Pok...

[Image: aDcUirX.jpg]

La informacion sobre el evento Safari Zone en Yokosuka, Japon, sera publicada en fechas proximas.

Niantic ha anunciado el Tour de Verano 2018 de Pokémon GO. El tour tendra un evento Safari Zone en Dortmund, Alemania, y Yokosuka, Japon. Tambien regresa el Pokémon GO Fest en Chigado, Estados Unidos.

El evento de Safari Zone en Dortmund, Alemania, se celebrara a partir del 30 de junio hasta el 1 de julio en Westfalenpark. El evento sera gratuito. Westfalenpark es uno de los mas grandes parques de ciudad en Europa, sino que tambien cuenta con elaborados atracciones acuaticas, un jardin japones, y grandes areas de juego para las familias. Niantic invita a los jugadores Europeos a que exploren la cultura de la ciudad a través de Pokémon GO. Podran optener mas informacion del Safari Zone en Dortmund en la pagina web del evento.[!--mas--]

Por otro lado, el Pokémon GO Fest se celebrara en Chigado, Illinois, Estados Unidos durante el 14 y 15 de julio. Pokémon GO Fest 2018: Un paseo por el parque se llevara acabo en Lincoln Park. El paseo tendra un recorrido de 3 km (~1.8 millas) on actividades para todas las edades. Los pases de un dia para el evento estaran disponibles a partir del 11 de mayo por $20 USD ($392 MXN) por medio de la pagina web del evento.

La pagina menciona que aun los usuarios que no puedan asistir directamente al los eventos podran disfrutar de diversas actividades por sus ciudades. Ademas de varios eventos locales orientados al servicio a la comunicadad en los cuales participaran durante todo el año.

Fuente: Bulbanews: Pokémon GO Summer Tour 2018 announced, Pokémon GO: Get Pumped Up for Pokémon GO Summer Tour 2018!
This post was last modified: 8 May, 2018, 11:11 pm by !Enigma.
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