( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property DB_MySQLi::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/xthreads/xt_sthreadhooks.php on line 197
Call Stack
10.0003378456{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0004403384require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.01451006984pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.01481014128xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.01551156320xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property _objcont_2::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/plugins/xthreads.php on line 891
Call Stack
10.0003378456{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0004403384require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.01451006984pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.01481014128xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.01551156320xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292
60.01601166584control_db( $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xt_sthreadhooks.php:218
70.01601166584control_object( $obj = class DB_MySQLi { public $title = 'MySQLi'; public $short_title = 'MySQLi'; public $type = 'mysqli'; public $query_count = 11; public $querylist = []; public $error_reporting = 1; public $read_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 136343; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $write_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 136343; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $current_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 136343; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $connections = [0 => '[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 220 μs)']; public $database = 'pokecosmo4CD9Gcz'; public $explain = NULL; public $version = NULL; public $table_type = 'myisam'; public $table_prefix = 'o1sh_'; public $engine = 'mysqli'; public $can_search = TRUE; public $db_encoding = 'utf8mb4'; public $query_time = 0.0026307106018066; protected $last_query_type = 1; public $xthreads_firstpost_hack = FALSE }, $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xthreads.php:930
80.01611178920unserialize( $data = 'O:10:"_objcont_2":21:{s:5:"title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:11:"short_title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:4:"type";s:6:"mysqli";s:11:"query_count";i:11;s:9:"querylist";a:0:{}s:15:"error_reporting";i:1;s:9:"read_link";O:6:"mysqli":0:{}s:10:"write_link";R:8;s:12:"current_link";R:8;s:11:"connections";a:1:{i:0;s:44:"[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 220 μs)";}s:8:"database";s:16:"pokecosmo4CD9Gcz";s:7:"explain";N;s:7:"version";N;s:10:"table_type";s:6:"myisam";s:12:"table_prefix";s:5:"o1sh_";s:6:"engine";s:6:"mysqli";s:10:"can_search";b:1;s:11:"db_encoding";s:7:"utf8mb4";s:10:"query_time";d:0.0026307106018066406;s:18:"\000*\000last_query_type";i:1;s:23:"xthreads_firstpost_hack";b:0;}' ).../xthreads.php:891
Festival Otaku Binacional 2013

[Evento]  Festival Otaku Binacional 2013
Mejor tarde que nunca. Tuve la oportunidad de asistir Festival Otaku Binacional 2013 el pasado 4 de mayo aquí en mi ciudad Tijuana del cual les trai...

[Image: 923066_505812199474082_1599071082_n.jpg]

Mejor tarde que nunca.

Tuve la oportunidad de asistir Festival Otaku Binacional 2013 el pasado 4 de mayo aquí en mi ciudad Tijuana del cual les traigo unas fotografías para compartir el fanatismo de algunos de los asistentes al evento.

  • Evento: Festival Otaku Binacional
  • Entrada: Libre / Gratuita
  • Fecha: Sábado 4 de Mayo, 2013
  • Lugar: CECUT (Centro Cultural Tijuana)
  • Horario: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM (aproximadamente)
[size=large]Gran Final Regional Cosplay[/size]

[Image: P1030849.jpg]

El evento de mayor importancia en esta convención fue la gran final regional de cosplay. A continuación los concursantes.

[Image: th_P1030810.jpg] [Image: th_P1030818.jpg] [Image: th_P1030805.jpg] [Image: th_P1030806.jpg]
[Image: th_P1030828.jpg] [Image: th_P1030804.jpg] [Image: th_P1030807.jpg]

Aunque no fue del agrado de muchos (la mayoría aclamaba por Link) el ganador final recibió su merecido premio.

[Image: th_P1030819.jpg] [Image: th_P1030821.jpg] [Image: th_P1030823.jpg]
[Image: th_P1030827.jpg] [Image: th_P1030867.jpg]

[size=large]Cosplay Pokemon[/size]
[Image: th_P1030763.jpg] [Image: th_P1030780.jpg] [Image: th_P1030800.jpg] [Image: th_P1030831.jpg] [Image: th_P1030840.jpg]

Y cabe mencionar que tuve la oportunidad de encontrar a Togepi y Oshawott en este evento aunque fuese solo de vistazo.
[Image: P1030877.jpg]
[size=large]Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG[/size]
Igual soy un aficionado del juego de cartas (TCG) de Yu-Gi-Oh! y aunque no participe en duelo alguno tuve la oportunidad de observar ligeramente las batallas de aquellos que sin duda alguna parece solo se presentaron al evento con dicho motivo.

[Image: th_P1030794.jpg] [Image: th_P1030795.jpg] [Image: th_P1030796.jpg] [Image: th_P1030875.jpg]

[size=large]Mas Cosplay[/size]
Aunque no me hubiera molestado en fotografiar algún cosplay que no me gustase, algunos de mis favoritos fueron Kyubi, Kakashi, InuYasha y Kagome, y Megaman (¡¡Es mi ganador!!). Aun así todos pasan a mi memoria USB de respaldo por toda la eternidad o asta que la mala fortuna y/o el gusto por lo ajeno de las personas nos separen.

[Image: th_P1030764.jpg] [Image: th_P1030765.jpg] [Image: th_P1030771.jpg] [Image: th_P1030774.jpg]
[Image: th_P1030776.jpg] [Image: th_P1030779.jpg] [Image: th_P1030783.jpg] [Image: th_P1030785.jpg]
[Image: th_P1030788.jpg] [Image: th_P1030791.jpg] [Image: th_P1030793.jpg] [Image: th_P1030830.jpg]
[Image: th_P1030833.jpg] [Image: th_P1030836.jpg] [Image: th_P1030837.jpg]

[Image: th_P1030841.jpg] [Image: th_P1030843.jpg] [Image: th_P1030844.jpg] [Image: th_P1030872.jpg]
.See ya!

[size=x-small]Nota: Aunque muchos de los fotografiados compartieron su nombre conmigo, he decidido no hacer lo mismo públicamente en PC debido a privacidad y por que no pedí tal permiso (e autorizaron el compartir las fotografías vía Internet mas no mas). Aun así aunque parezca difícil de creer Cosmos y Wanda se llamaban Cosmo y Wanda, así que se imaginaran que no se pierden de mucho...[/size]
This post was last modified: 3 May, 2014, 4:09 am by !Enigma.
[Image: P1030836.jpg]
Eres tu?

Bueno que buena onda que hayas asistido al festiva aquí en mi país
casi ni se ve eso xD
Omar es mucho más viejo que eso oye ._.

A mi no me gusta estas cosas casi, pero aún así aquí en mazatlán es muy común =3

Me gusta el que gano, pero hubieran hecho cosplay del osito bimbo mejor u.u

¿Viejo? xD ... t_t

Yo no hago cosplay pero quizas en el futuro me pongo algo a corde al evento (aunque sea una gorra de ash) y subo la foto, que lo dudo pero esperanzas hay.
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