( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property DB_MySQLi::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/xthreads/xt_sthreadhooks.php on line 197
Call Stack
10.0001378520{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0002403448require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.00751007104pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.00761014264xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.00811156456xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292

( ! ) Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property _objcont_2::$xthreads_firstpost_hack is deprecated in /var/www/pokecosmo.net/inc/plugins/xthreads.php on line 891
Call Stack
10.0001378520{main}( ).../showthread.php:0
20.0002403448require_once( '/var/www/pokecosmo.net/global.php ).../showthread.php:28
30.00751007104pluginSystem->run_hooks( $hook = 'global_start', $arguments = ??? ).../global.php:100
40.00761014264xthreads_global( '' ).../class_plugins.php:142
50.00811156456xthreads_showthread_firstpost( ).../xthreads.php:292
60.00841166720control_db( $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xt_sthreadhooks.php:218
70.00841166720control_object( $obj = class DB_MySQLi { public $title = 'MySQLi'; public $short_title = 'MySQLi'; public $type = 'mysqli'; public $query_count = 11; public $querylist = []; public $error_reporting = 1; public $read_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 127587; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $write_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 127587; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $current_link = class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 1; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 8.2.11'; public $client_version = 80211; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = []; public $field_count = 0; public $host_info = 'Localhost via UNIX socket'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1'; public $server_version = 100618; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 127587; public $warning_count = 0 }; public $connections = [0 => '[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 305 μs)']; public $database = 'pokecosmo4CD9Gcz'; public $explain = NULL; public $version = NULL; public $table_type = 'myisam'; public $table_prefix = 'o1sh_'; public $engine = 'mysqli'; public $can_search = TRUE; public $db_encoding = 'utf8mb4'; public $query_time = 0.0024042129516602; protected $last_query_type = 1; public $xthreads_firstpost_hack = FALSE }, $code = '\r\n\t\tfunction simple_select($table, $fields=\'*\', $conditions=\'\', $options=array()) {\r\n\t\t\tstatic $done=false;\r\n\t\t\tif(!$done && $table == \'posts p\' && $fields == \'p.pid\' && ($options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline\' || $options[\'order_by\'] == \'p.dateline, p.pid\')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t$done = true;\r\n\t\t\t\tif(!empty($options[\'limit_start\'])) $this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\txthreads_showthread_firstpost_hack();\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\treturn parent::simple_select($table, $fields, $conditions, $options);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\tfunction fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1) { // 1 == MYSQL_ASSOC == MYSQLI_ASSOC == PGSQL_ASSOC\r\n\t\t\t\tif($this->xthreads_firstpost_hack) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t$this->xthreads_firstpost_hack = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn array(\'pid\' => $GLOBALS[\'thread\'][\'firstpost\']);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\treturn parent::fetch_array($query, $resulttype);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t' ).../xthreads.php:930
80.00851179056unserialize( $data = 'O:10:"_objcont_2":21:{s:5:"title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:11:"short_title";s:6:"MySQLi";s:4:"type";s:6:"mysqli";s:11:"query_count";i:11;s:9:"querylist";a:0:{}s:15:"error_reporting";i:1;s:9:"read_link";O:6:"mysqli":0:{}s:10:"write_link";R:8;s:12:"current_link";R:8;s:11:"connections";a:1:{i:0;s:44:"[READ] root@localhost (Connected in 305 μs)";}s:8:"database";s:16:"pokecosmo4CD9Gcz";s:7:"explain";N;s:7:"version";N;s:10:"table_type";s:6:"myisam";s:12:"table_prefix";s:5:"o1sh_";s:6:"engine";s:6:"mysqli";s:10:"can_search";b:1;s:11:"db_encoding";s:7:"utf8mb4";s:10:"query_time";d:0.0024042129516601562;s:18:"\000*\000last_query_type";i:1;s:23:"xthreads_firstpost_hack";b:0;}' ).../xthreads.php:891
Meloetta disponible en Europa y Brasil

[BW-2]  Meloetta disponible en Europa y Brasil
La distribución de Meloetta para Europa ha sido anunciada. A partir de Marzo 7 en los Estados Unidos y Marzo 28 en Europa, un musical y un skin para ...

[Image: 648meloetta.png]

La distribución de Meloetta para Europa ha sido anunciada. A partir de Marzo 7 en los Estados Unidos y Marzo 28 en Europa, un musical y un skin para el C-Gear en B&W 2 estará disponible por medio del Pokémon Global Link.

[Image: meloettamusicalshow.png]

La distribución sera por medio de tiendas a partir del 22 de Marzo (4 de Marzo para Francia y Brasil) hasta el 19 de Abril para Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, España, Italia, y Brasil. El musical y skin ya fueron distribuidos previamente en Japón.

  • Nivel: 50
  • Movimientos: A bocajarro, Psíquico, Danza caos, Canon

Fuente: Bulbanews, Bulbanews
This post was last modified: 25 Feb, 2013, 4:58 pm by !Enigma.
Muy bien, gracias por la información
1- Quien es ese pokemon, no recuerdo haberlo visto?
2- Alguien tiene pokemon black 2 (8
angeluz;274 Wrote:1- Quien es ese pokemon, no recuerdo haberlo visto?
2- Alguien tiene pokemon black 2 (8

  1. Es el Pokemon 648, justo antes de Genesect. Últimamente esta en muchas noticias ya que era un Pokemon "oculto", así que no se como no lo conoces xD.
  2. Mi hermano.
Estúpido pokemon hippie ¬_¬
Recordé verlo en una pokedex, no recuerdo cual.
Para descargar???
Si, para tu colección. Tongue
Hahaha, pues yo no pienso descargarlo xDD, es que me conformo con lo sencillo xD
Mi sueño es algún día descargar un evento en mi juego *_*
Sama34;281 Wrote:Mi sueño es algún día descargar un evento en mi juego *_*

Sueño friki Sad

Mi sueño es comer un quesadilla gigante y mucho guacamole :lub:
Yo descargue pero en Inazuma Eleven una vez  =3
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